Sunday, October 3, 2010

My Paper Proposal

   Young Language learners are easily discouraged or uninterested if they are unable to comprehend reading materials within the context of the second language classroom. In order for learners to meet success within the act of reading a vast knowledge of passively recalled vocabulary is necessary. Skilled word recognition and lexical knowledge are necessary to ensure young language learners comprehend the complex relationship that exists between the reader and text.
   The following proposal for a literature review for potential master thesis study would begin by examining what percentage of incidental vocabulary is acquired and retained through exposure to an extensive reading program that makes use of graded readers as defined by level one of Stephen Krashen’s comprehension reading model.
   It would then move on to review literature dealing with the percentage of incidental vocabulary acquired and retained through exposure to an extensive free reading program that makes use of authentic texts as defined by level two of Stephen Krashen’s comprehension reading model.
   The literature will then move on to compare and contrast the two approaches for the implementation of a reading program hypothesis for young language learners that facilitates the greatest percentage of vocabulary acquisition with quantity and length of retention being a determinate for both reading programs.